Platinum Blonde

Country - Victoria, Australia

Percentage - 4.6%

Brewing company - Six Star Breweries

When poured this is a gold colured beer with a good head that dissipates quickly. No real aroma to mention and on first taste this is terrible. The bottle boasts 'Light floral citrus notes, allowing the hops to shine through.' This is a blatant lie furthermore, this beer claims to have 'true flavour with less carbohydrates than standard lagers.' There is no flavour and less carbohydrates is not necessarily a good thing. Overall this is a crap beer and if someone serves this to you, that person hates you profoundly (even if it is your Dad) and is actively working to bring about your demise in a dreadful and painful manner.

Verdict - Bad


  1. I liked this beer! simply because it tastes different from all the other aussie beers, this is a more European flavour

  2. Some of us have to drink low-carb or nothing. You get used to it .... but I agree: it's crap beer.
