Carlton Cold

Country - Australia

Percentage - 4.0%

Brewing Company - Carlton United Brewers

Today Maca and myself are boldly going where many working class men strapped for cash have gone before. Maca fondly remembers this beer  from his 21st birthday at the Orient Hotel in the Rocks, Sydney. He still carries a 'Cold' key ring to this day. I however, have no fond memories of this beer. When poured this is a medium amber coloured beer with a small head. The aroma is synthetic and chemically driven. Its definitely a crisp beer but it has absolutely no flavour, just a slight bitterness. It seems to us that the purity laws have been totally disregarded, thrown out the window and vandalised by street kids. The only decent thing about this beer is the 10c refund for the bottle in South Australia, only the bottle though; no one wants this fucking beer. Shame for us we live in New South Wales so we've drunk this and we're not even going to be compensated 10c for our effort. At the end of this bottle you will only find disappointment.
Verdict - Bad 


  1. I have drunk carlton cold ever since it was first brewed and had to put up with it being altered once before but this time they have gone too far. Not only has the alcohol content come down but also the size has come down couple this together with the fact that there is now no flavour whatsoever. I shall certainly never buy another carton of this lolly water ever again.

  2. what have you done now it taste like water has less alcohol has smaller bottles & the price has gone up wont be drinking this any more you have lost quiet a lot of fans here
