
Country - America

Percentage - 4.9%

Brewing Company - Anheuser-Busch Inc

This is the USA's most famous beer. Using rice rather than barley during the brewing process, this beer when poured is a pale golden colour with excellent clarity and little aroma. This beer isn't too bad as it's easy enough to drink but it doesn't have the flavour that we have come to expect from premium beers. That being said we are impressed with the quality given its poor reputation in Australia. We can certainly say that it isn't the 'King of Beers' as promoted on the bottle but it's far from the worst beer we've tasted.

Verdict - Good

1 comment:

  1. Yes I agree with that Anheuser-Busch Inc is the most famous beer in the USA.But now it’s also famous in India; there are lots of reasons for that sing rice rather than barley during the brewing process, this beer when poured is a pale golden colour with excellent clarity and little aroma. This beer isn't too bad as it's easy enough to drink but it doesn't have the flavour that we have come to expect from premium beers.

    Budweiser price in India
